Superintendents, Directors, Students standing in Auto lab with cars and Dynometer

The superintendents from the eight WANIC consortium school districts meet monthly as our Administrative Council. Bellevue School District hosted this month’s Council meeting with a bonus of touring the very popular Automotive Technology Skill Center class. Pictured Art Jarvis (Bellevue SD Superintendent), Marilyn Henselman (Bellevue SD CTE Director), Michael Tolley (Northshore School District Superintendent), Heather Tow-Yick (Issaquah School District Superintendent), Daniel Scholtfeldt (Snoqualmie Valley School District Interim Superintendent), Pete McCue (Bellevue Automotive Instructor), Jon Holmen (Lake Washington School District Superintendent), Kari Schuh (WANIC Skill Center Director), Susan Leach ( Riverview School District Superintendent).